Visitor centre
The visitor centre where the information point of the State Forest Management Centre is situated is the place to begin the exploration of Vilsandi National Park. The visitor centre is in the ancient Loona Manor complex. In the centre, it is possible to see a permanent exhibition that introduces the nature, history and cultural heritage of Vilsandi National Park. In addition, information on fossils is shared in the stone house.
The visitor centre offers timely and relevant information about Vilsandi National Park and the hiking trails, campfire sites and sights in other reserves and rest areas.
The services (permanent exhibition, visitation of the stone house, watching movies) offered at the visitor centre are free for all visitors. The whole building is easily accessible to all wheelchair users.
The opening hours of Vilsandi National Park Visitor Centre:
- summer season June 1 to August 31 Monday-Friday 10 a.m.–6 p.m.
- winter season September 1 to May 31 Monday-Friday 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
Contact: info.vilsandi@rmk.ee; +372 454 6880 or +372 527 7421 (Heli Alliksoon, Communications Manager of the State Forest Management Centre)
The information point of the State Forest Management Centre is in Vilsandi National Park Visitor Centre Photo: Maris Sepp