Visitor opportunities

For studying various nature and culture values of Soomaa National Park and hiking there are eight study paths, with Estonian and English information stands provide information about the attractions. In addition there are 11 campfire sites and camping sites, four forest huts for overnight stays (Öördi, Meiekose oak, Oksa barn), one forest manager's forest hut (Karuskose) and five observation towers (Ingatsi, Riisa and Kuuraniidu study paths, Tõramaa wooded meadow and Läti broad). The Oandu-Ikla hiking trail goes through the national park.

A good place to start a visit of the Soomaa National Park is its Visitor Center that offers information about the natural and cultural heritage of the region and includes permanent exhibition "Soomaa's fifth season 2010" and a documentary.
Worth visiting is also the yard of ​​Tipu Nature School, where information is available in Estonian, English and German. You can see the village on the Pauna cultural history hiking trail.

There are two museums in the Soomaa National Park - home museums of the artist Johann Köler and composer Mart Saar.

Visitors on the nature trail Kuresoo. Photo: Mati Kose