Visitor sites and hiking
- Start and end: Parking lot of the Matsalu Visitor Center (Penijõe, Lihula vald, Läänemaa)
- Length: 3,2, 4,7, 5 or 7 km
- Designation: direction guides, information boards
- Keywords: Penijõe manor, Penijõe observation tower, Saare hill, Viita wooded meadow, reed bank, grasslands, bird watching
- Manager: State Forest Management Center, ranger tel 524 7887
The track includes an 8-meter high observation tower and a 2.5-meter high observation deck. From the tower one can get a good overview of the reed bank. The trail runs through wet meadows, woods and grasslands. The longest trail features Viita wooded meadow. Part of the route passes grazing areas where one can meet cattle and horses. There are several resting areas on the trail.
In wet conditions it is advisable to wear rubber boots!
- Start and end: Parking lot of Suitsu rest stop (Kirikuküla, Lihula vald, Läänemaa)
- Length: 1,3 km (round trip)
- Designation: direction guides, information boards
- Keywords: flooded plain, reedbed, Suitsu river, old fishers' hut, Suits observation tower, hay barn, bird watching
- Manager: State Forest Management Center, ranger tel 524 7887
This is the highest observation tower (21 m) in Matsalu that is overlooking the Matsalu forest and bay, the reedbed, the flood plain of the Suitsu river and grasslands. The trail runs along the flood meadow of the Suitsu river, and at its end is a restored hay barn. At the beginning of the trail is a dry toilet.
In wet conditions it is advisable to wear rubber boots!
- Start and end: Parking lot of Salevere hiking trail (Salevere küla, Hanila vald, Läänemaa)
- Length: 1,5 km
- Designation: direction guides, information boards
- Keywords: Silma spring, ancient embankment of a defence structure, sub-klint broad-leaved forest and alvar forest
- Manager: State Forest Management Center, ranger tel 524 7887
The hiking trail goes by an alvar grassland and along the 5-metre-high terrace and goes through a broad-leaf forest. There is a klint forest under the terrace. At Salumäe there are remains of an ancient defensive structure, and a low defence embankment can be seen on the hiking trail. At the start of the track there is a dry toilet and a resting place.
- Start and end: Kiideva village or Puise village (start and finish can be in different places)
- Length: 2,6-6 km
- Designation: information boards
- Keywords: broad-leaved forest, Lõpre oak
- Manager: Kiideva Village Society
The route connects Kiideva and Puise, the villages of the northern shore of the Matsalu bay. Nurga rest stop is located on the trail.