Matsalu Visitor Centre

At the Visitor Center one can explore the permanent exposition that introduces the nature and history of Matsalu National Park as well as the Matsalu National Park's presentation program or videos. There are educational facilities in the premises of the Penijõe Manor. It includes a workshop room and classroom for conducting seminars and study days. The classroom can be used for organizing age-appropriate nature-science events. For large groups, please register in advance!

The Matsalu Visitor Center is located on the 2nd floor of the Penijõe Manor. Visiting the exposition and the presentation program of the Matsalu National Park are free of charge.

Opening hours:

April 15th - September 30th October 1st - April 14th

Monday - Friday         9 - 17

Saturday - Sunday     10 - 18

In other times open on pre-booking.

Monday - Friday       9 - 17

In other times open on pre-booking.



Penijõe, Lääneranna vald, Pärnumaa

+372 513 8783

Penijõe mõis

Penijõe manor. Photo: Nele Sõber