- In 2001, an overview of the nature of Vormsi and studies carried out about it appeared in “Vormsi ja Haapsalu Tagalahe loodus” (The Nature of Vormsi Island and the Gulf of Haapsalu Tagalaht) that is the fifth number in the series “Estonia Maritima”.
- An ecological study of Lake Prästvike, among other things, was carried out in the course of the project NATURESHIP – “Coastal lagoons in Estonia and in the Central Baltic Sea region”.
- Lake Prästvike and the springs located in the limited management zone of Prästviik were the project area on Vormsi Island for the project “LIFE Springday – Conservation and restoration of petrifying spring habitats”. An inventory of the petrifying springs of Prästvike and the mosses and vascular plants in the area was done in 2014 and the large invertebrates of the petrifying springs of Prästvike were inventoried.