The highest and most prominent part landscape-wise of the Haanja Upland has been known as a tourism region since the 1920s. The most famous sightseeing objects are the Suur Munamägi, the Rõuge Primeval Valley with its picturesque lakes, the Kütiorg Valley, the Vällamägi Hill and Lake Kavadi.

The buildings of Rogosi castle manor in Ruusmäe of the 18th–19th century are of archaeological interest.

The Haanja Upland was formed approximately 15,000 years ago. It was the first area in Estonia which was freed from the glacier of the last Ice Age.


The objective of Haanja Nature Park is to protect and introduce the Haanja Upland, primeval valleys, heritage landscapes and biodiversity.

Haanja Nature Park has:

The Endla Nature Centre is housed in the old swamp school building in Tooma Village, Jõgeva County. From 1928 until 1944, drainage of swamps and growing of vegetation were taught in the school. Now, when there is a nature reserve, focus is on valuing the swamps. The nature centre organises nature studies and camps for children as well as adults. There is also a exhibition which introduces Estonian swamps and the values of Endla Nature Reserve. It is a good place to park your car and start a hike in the bog.

In eastern part of the nature reserve there are 3 hiking trails in bogs and forests.

Männikjärve hiking trail. Length 3 km, duration up to 1.5 hours. Marked with red spots on the trees, there are several information boards on the trail. The trail runs in the forest around the shallow Lake Männikjärv, its shore is partly quaking. Starts and ends from Tooma village, Endla Nature Centers parking place.

If there are no time restrictions, you may pick wild berries, mushrooms and other natural products which are not under protection. Recreational fishing is allowed. On Lake Endla and Lake Sinijärv and Võlingi, Oostriku, Norra brooks fishing card is necessary, on other water bodies of Endla Nature Reserve, fishing is allowed with one simple hand line or recreational fishing rights apply (more information here). On water bodies no motorised vehicles are allowed. Bird hunting is not allowed in Endla nature reserve.

In the Endla Nature reserve, you must take into account several time restrictions to ensure peaceful nesting of the birds and spawning of the fish.

The State Forest Management Centre (RMK) engages the infrastructure for visitors in the nature reserves.  No accomodation or catering providers are in the nature reserve area, but you can find closest possibilitie from website Visit Estonia.


About 10 000 years ago when the mainland ice receded Great-Endla Lake covered almost 3500 hectares of the Upland slopes. As the climate became warmer, swamps began to form in the lowest parts of the lakes. The 6 lakes of the nature reserve – Endla, Sinijärv, Männikjärv, Tulijärv, Kaasikjärv and Sinilaugas – are relict lakes of the Great-Endla Lake.