According to the valid protection rules, the Kõrvemaa Landscape Protection Area has been formed with the aim to protect and preserve the natural processes, the diverse landscape and the biota, including protected species and semi-natural communities. The protection aim of the forests in the reserve is the maintenance of natural objects, the conservation of the forest that is an important part of a wholesome landscape, the conservation of the habitats of species and preserving the natural diversity. 

  • Kõrvemaa Landscape Protection Area expands to the counties of Harju, Järva and Lääne-Viru. 
  • The main aim of the Kõrvemaa Landscape Protection Area is to protect the landscape appearance and the landforms characteristic to the area. 
  • It has partly been under protection already since 1957, when the scenic prohibited area of Aegviidu-Nelijärve was formed.
  • Please do your best to not leave any trace of your presence, and to maintain silence.
  • When moving around in nature, follow everyman’s right.
  • To move around on private land designated as such or enclosed by a fence, obtain the permission of the owner.
  • Camping and making fires is allowed in specially arranged and designated places only (see the map).