Vooremaa Landscape Protection Area was founded in 1964 to protect the naturally beautiful and scientifically interesting landscape rich in lakes, large drumlins and the local cultural heritage. It extends 16 km from the northwest to the southeast and 4–8 km from the northeast to the southwest. The area of the reserve is 9,831 ha.

  • Try not to leave any traces in the nature.
  • Ask the permission of the owner when being on a marked/fenced private land. Field, plantations and apiaries are not meant for hiking.
  • Set up a tent and make a fire only in locations intended and marked for such purposes; if you leave the campfire site, put the fire out. Setting up a tent and making a fire in a yard are only allowed upon the permission of the owner.

Regular boat connection between Papissaare-Vikati-Papissaare is organised by the local municipality. The small watercraft named Vilsandi fits 11 passengers. The schedule is up on the website of the Saaremaa Parish.

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