About protected area
- Kõnnumaa Landscape Protection Area was founded on 27 July 2000 when the previously protected hills of Keava (since 1961), Paluküla Hiiemäe Reserve and Lake Loosalu (1964), the continental ice marginal formations of Paluküla-Sillaotsa (1973), Keava, Palasi and Loosalu mires (1981) were united.
- The aim of the reserve is to protect the bogs of Keava, Loosalu and Palasi, the marginal formations of Keava-Esku and Paluküla-Sillaotsa with their abundant biota, communities and habitats.
- The Paluküla Hiiemägi Hill in the reserve is the highest landform in Rapla County and the whole Western Estonia. The absolute altitude of the hill is 106.7 metres and the relative altitude 24–29 metres.
- From the protected species, the wood sandpiper, European golden plover, whooper swan and golden eagle live in the reserve. From the protected plants, the Baltic and Russow’s marsh orchids, white adder’s mouth, bog orchid, Estonian saw-wort and Lindberg’s sphagnum moss as well.
- The habitats on drier mineral ground, i.e. around the forests of Paluküla village, have abundantly European red wood ants with their nests that resemble dome-shaped mounds. The most noteworthy bird species inhabiting the forests are the hazel grouse, white-backed woodpecker, black woodpecker, Eurasian wryneck and Eurasian three-toed woodpecker.
- From the protected heritage sites, the hillfort of the Keava fort and the ancient settlement area of Linnaaluste are in the reserve.
- The area belongs to the European-wide Natura 2000 network as the bird area of Kõnnumaa-Väätsa and the Kõnnumaa area of conservation. The reserve comprises a third of the former and a little bit over a half of the area of the latter.
- The manager of Kõnnumaa Landscape Protection Area is the Environmental Board.