If there are no time restrictions, you may pick wild berries, mushrooms and other natural products which are not under protection. Recreational fishing is allowed. On Lake Endla and Lake Sinijärv and Võlingi, Oostriku, Norra brooks fishing card is necessary, on other water bodies of Endla Nature Reserve, fishing is allowed with one simple hand line or recreational fishing rights apply (more information here). On water bodies no motorised vehicles are allowed. Bird hunting is not allowed in Endla nature reserve. Try not to leave any traces in the nature.
Movement restrictions in Endla Nature Reserve
- The reserve of the Linnusaare bog is closed for visitors.
- A permission of the Environmental Board is required for being in the conservation zone of Lake Endla and Lake Sinijärv. Fishermen and boat-hikers are not allowed on Lake Endla and Lake Sinijärv from 1 April until 30 June.
- The conservation zone of the Toodiksaare bog is closed for visitors from 15 February until 31 July.
- The conservation zones of Kirikumäe, Mardimäe, Tamsi and Põllusaare are closed for visitors from 1 February until 31 May.
- A permission of the Environmental Board is needed for boat-hikers and for hikes or other events of groups which have more than 20 people.
If you see damages caused to nature or to visitation infrastructure, please report The State Information number by calling 1247.
Emergency number is 112.