How to get there
Endla Nature Center is located in Jõgeva County village named Tooma. It is 21 km from Jõgeva, 70 km from Tartu and 131 km from Tallinn. Regardless of the direction of travel, you must follow the Piibe highway (road 13 from Tallinn and 39 from Tartu). Turn away to the gravel road if you see the bus stop named Tooma, also a brown sign “Endla looduskaitseala 1,5 km” directs you where to turn. The gravel road runs 1,5 km through village and ends with parking area close to nature center. The same parking area is a good place where to park your car if you want to go hiking. By public transport the closest bus stop is Tooma in Piibe highway (1,5 km, bus lines from Tartu to Rakvere) and the closes railway stop is Vägeva (5 km; East directions Tallinn- Tartu route). Check the public transport time schedules in Peatus.ee.
The directions from Tallinn on Google Maps:
The directions from Tartu on Google Maps: