A tourism company that operates in the area of a Part I certified protected area submits a three-year business plan to the Environmental Board. The opportunity to apply is announced on the national parks' social media channels and through regional tourism organizations. At the moment, tourism operators of three national parks - Lahemaa, Soomaa and Matsalu - can apply for the certificate.
Action plan sample: MS Word

In 2023 ten and in 2024 nine Estonian tourism businesses received the sustainable tourism certificate. Their brief introductions are on the subpage.

Additional information:
- Enri Uusna (Lahemaa), enri.uusna@keskkonnaamet.ee
- Maigi Säinas (Soomaa), maigi.sainas@keskkonnaamet.ee
- Kalle Kõllamaa (Matsalu), kalle.kollamaa@keskkonnaamet.ee
- Nele Sõber (overall topics), nele.sober@keskkonnaamet.ee