Ten nature tourism businesses were awarded with partner certificate


Nele Sõber

On World Wetlands Day, February 2nd, the Environmental Board awarded ten Estonian nature tourism businesses from the regions of Matsalu, Soomaa and Lahemaa national parks with international sustainable tourism recognition - European Charter for Sustainable Tourism (ECST Part II) certificate. This certificate enables local businesses working in partnership with the protected area authority to recieve recognition as sustainable partners.

In order to earn the certificate, businesses had to analyse their activities, their relationship with nature and nature conservation and also cooperation with Environmental Board and other partners.

Sustainable tourism certificate
                                               Certificate awarded to Kodade Creative Center


We are happy about their achievement as local entrepreneurs who help to introduce the natural values of the protected areas are our ambassadors.

Certificates were awarded to:

  • Alutaguse Hiking Club
  • Clean Water Theme Park & Ubari Center of Natural Wisdom
  • Kodade Creative Center
  • Lahemaa Ecotourism
  • Lobi Museum
  • Matka-Rebane
  • Piesta Kuusikaru Farm
  • Tipu Nature School
  • Soomaa Holiday Village
  • soomaa.com
Group photo February 2nd, 2023
                                Group photo February 2nd, 2023. Photo by Nele Sõber

These entrepreneurs are the first awarded sustainable tourism businesses in the Baltics.