According to the rules of protection of the Lahemaa National Park, the aim of the national park is to preserve, protect, explore and introduce the nature and cultural heritage characteristic of Northern Estonia, including:

The cultural heritage protection system applies primarily to the limited management zone of the Lahemaa National Park, which to a large extent the environment is created and shaped by humans.

The main value of the Lahemaa National Park is its great landscape, natural and cultural diversity. This part of the coastal area is rich in peninsulas and bays, the largest being Juminda, Pärispea, Käsmu and Vergi peninsulas with their northwest-southeast direction. The bays have versatile bottom relief, are generally deep and there are plenty of submerged rocks and islands. The larger islands near the coast are Mohni, Hara, Haldi, Alvi, Saartneem and Kasispea.

  • Lahemaa is the oldest and largest national park in Estonia.
  • Lahemaa National Park was created to protect the landscape types and natural values characteristic of Northern Estonia, such as the sea, rivers, lakes, forests, meadows and mires.
  • Lahemaa National Park belongs to the Natura 2000 network of protected habitat and bird sites.
  • Lahemaa is the area with the highest number of erratic boulders in the North European glaciation area.
  • There are 21 study and hiking trails in the national park, totalling some 120 km.
  • There are 68 villages a

The most known and visited place in the area is the museum of the writer Anton Hansen Tammsaare in Vargamäe. The birthplace of the author offers activities and discovery for people of all ages who are interested in history and literature. Walking in the cultural grove of Järva County close to the museum, it is possible to observe the growing of the trees planted by the laureates of Järva County cultural awards. More than a hundred trees have been planted during the period of 25 years.

  • Try not to leave traces behind when travelling in the nature.
  • Ask the land owner for permission when moving around on marked private property.
  • Camp and make a fire only in places prepared and marked for that.

Kõrvemaa Landscape Reserve was founded with the purpose of maintaining the characteristic landscapes, communities and habitats of the area, preserving the diversity of the biota, including protected species. There are large bogs and kames and eskers reminiscent of the Ice Age in Kõrvemaa. It is nice to hike on the alternating landscape. 

Kõrvemaa Landscape Protection Area belongs to the expansive bog and forest zone of Transitional Estonia, comprising a fairly large part of Central and Southern Kõrvemaa. Põhja-Kõrvemaa that expands in the northern part of Transitional Estonia is a separate reserve. 

“The woman eyed the area: here a hill, there a hill, a third one in the distance, a fourth one on the left, fifth on the right and a sixth one behind them, a seventh and many more. Fields and buildings on the hills, only bogs around and between the hills, marshes in some places, covered with peaky scrubs.” (Truth and Justice I by A. H. Tammsaare)