On World Wetlands Day, February 2nd, the Environmental Board awarded ten…
Sertifikaadi saanud ettevõtjad 02.02.2023
On 17 January, the water level of the Kasari river rose 228 cm above the zero…
Vaade õhust veeväljale. Looklevad paralleelsed põõsasteread tähistavad Kasari jõge.õge
Beautiful white trees and winter landscape.
Visiting national parks is well worth your time, even now in the winter. The…
Harilaiu tuletorn Vilsandi rahvuspargis talvel lume sees
This year, 96 inhabited habitats of the flying squirrel have been identified,…
lendorav puul
The Ministry of the Environment gave the Environmental Board the task of…
viltused männipuud kinnikasvanud luidetel