In the territory of the Otepää Nature Park it is possible to find traces from different historical periods since the ancient times. In addition to the Otepää Castle Hill, the sights of more cultural historical value also include the Sangaste Castle Hill, buildings of Arula, Pühajärve and Restu Manors, Kastolatsi Apostolic Orthodox Church, Otepää Parish School, Otepää Parsonage Building and Winter Chapel. The samples of several ancient farm architecture (Poslovitsa, Saare, Kolga and Nüpli-Lõhmuse farms) and elements of cultural heritage landscape (Pühajärve War Oak, Trepimägi Oak) have been preserved. In part, the traditional settlement structure has been preserved, where most of the ancient farmsteads still exist and new buildings have been erected on old plots or matched in harmony with the old ones in any other manner (Vana-Otepää, Elva Village).
Trepimäe tamm. Photo by Arne Ader