Estonian conservancy areas

Estonia has a total of 848 nature protected areas (832 195 ha). The website introduces 23 best known protected areas in Estonia, North-Europe

Selection of Topics

Get Involved
Памятка посетителя
Junior Ranger Programme
Sustainable Tourism
inimene kõnnib metsas laudteel
For Landowners
Kaika talu Karula rahvuspargis
Cultural Heritage
Kinnas Soomaa mustriga


EUROPARC Federation has awarded Matsalu, Lahemaa and Soomaa National Park with…
Inimesed seisavad rõõmsat nägudega, käes tunnistused
Winter floods in Soomaa have become common in the recent years. The new year…
Talvine üleujutus Soomaal
The Falstaff Nordic Restaurant Guide Estonia 2025 recognized Estonian…
Vergi Sadam & Restoran Wirkes' söögisaal
OÜ Viis aastaaega ( received the STAR Awards from the EUROPARC…
Aivar Ruukel võtab tunnustuse vastu Euroopa Parlamendis
Matsalu National Park Special Prize was awarded to documentary "My Sweden - A…
Perekond istub mäenukil ja naudib Rootsi loodust
The road to the Ingatsi study trail and to the Karuskose rental hut is closed…
Pildil on sissesõidu keelumärk.