Seminar "Pärand ja kogukonnaõigused"


Ave Paulus
Keskkonnaamet kutsub ärksaid kursusele ja seminaridele "Pärand ja õigused", mida korraldatakse koostöös ICOMOS, Oslo ülikooli Norra inimõiguste keskuse, Eesti kunstiakadeemia, Tartu ülikooli, Genfi ülikooli ja muinsuskaitseametiga. Neljapäeval, 2.mail toimub avalik seminar pärandist ja kogukonna õigustest. Vajalik on eelnev registreerimine, kohti on piiratud arv. Seminarid ja koolitus toob kokku kogukondade esindajad, õigus- ja pärandieksperdid üle maailma. Programmi ametlik keel on inglise keel. Programmi kogu kava on siin Thursday 2nd of May „OUR COMMON DIGNITY“ seminar “Community Rights and Heritage”. Theoretical questions of Community-Based Heritage protection and Rights-based approaches. In Estonian Academy of Arts main building.  Moderated by Dr Riin Alatalu 9.00 Welcome words  Mart Kalm, Rector and Professor of Estonian Academy of Arts                                      Lauri Mälksoo, Academician, Professor of International Law, University of Tartu 9.30 - 10.45 What are human rights? The International Human Rights System. Dr Stener Ekern, Oslo University, Norwegian Centre of Human Rights 11.00 - 12.00 Rights- based approaches in Heritage protection. Community as rightsholder. Dr Peter Bille Larsen. Geneva University, Switzerland 12.00 - 13.00 Cultural heritage - tensions between individual and collective rights. Dr Aleksei Kelli, Ave Paulus, Tartu University, Estonia 14.00-14.30 ICOMOS initiatives in Rights-Based approach. Bente Mathisen, ICOMOS Norway 14.30-15.15 Ethics, communication and culture - Justo Vos Programme. Dr Daniel Scarfo,  Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, Argentina 15.15-16.00 Rights of indigenous peoples and communities. Oliver Loode, Uralic Centre for Indigenous People, Institute of Human Rights, Estonia 16.15-18.00 Round-table: Challenges and opportunities in linking Heritage and Rights Night walking tour in Tallinn Lecturers and speakers:  Stener Ekern  Stener Ekern is professor in anthropology at the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights (NCHR) at the Faculty of Law at the University of Oslo. He has done fieldwork in Nicaragua (1984) and Guatemala (2000   and  ongoing) with a thematic focus on indigenous peoples, human rights and legal pluralism. Additionally, he has worked with human rights and world heritage and transitional justice. At the NCHR he is responsible for several master courses in human rights and has also elaborated a course in human rights and world heritage in cooperation with ICOMOS Norway. Before becoming a university researcher in 1997, he worked as a programme officer in Norwegian development cooperation.         Peter Bille Larsen   Peter Bille Larsen is a Danish anthropologist who works on conservation and social justice at both local and global levels. He is currently associate researcher at The Environmental Governance and Territorial Development Institute (GEDT) of the University of Geneva, and also works as a free-lance consultant. He has collaborated with UNESCO, the Advisory Bodies to the World Heritage Convention as well as academic partners to strengthen analysis and policy discussions on human rights, development and heritage. Recent books include Post-frontier resource governance (Palgrave, 2015), The Anthropology of Conservation NGOs (Palgrave 2018), World Heritage and Human Rights (Routledge, 2018) and World Heritage and Sustainable Development (Routledge, 2018).         Aleksei Kelli Aleksei Kelli is Professor of Intellectual Property Law (the University of Tartu, Estonia). He is Chair of Legal Committee of CLARIN ERIC (Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure) and principal investigator in the Programme for Addressing Socio-economic Challenges of Sectoral R&D in the field of industrial property.  Dr Kelli acted as the Head of an Expert Group on the Codification of the Intellectual Property Law of Estoni. He has been a Member of Team of Specialists on Intellectual Property in the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. He has taken part in several EU and Estonian R&D projects as a leading IP, innovation, and data protection expert. Dr. Kelli has published numerous works on intellectual property, innovation, personal data protection, knowledge transfer, and related issues. Several publications concern digital humanities       Bente Mathisen Bente Mathisen is a Norwegian chartered architect MNAL who works as an advisor and manager for cultural heritage at Statsbygg. She has been director for the Heritage Management Office of the World Heritage (WH) City of Bergen Norway, Director for Cidade Velha Republic of Cape Verde, and partner at the Architect group CUBUS, Bergen Norway. She is a board member of Foundation Bryggen, World Heritage site. She coordinated for 10 years the Eastern African City-to-City network between the WH cities of Bergen Lamu, Zanzibar and Ilha. She was the project leader of a restoration and capacity building project for the WH cities of Bergen, Norway, and Ilha, Mozambique. She has been a Board member of ICOMOS Norway, is member of ICORP and currently the focal point of the Our Common Dignity Initiative.       Oliver Loode Oliver Loode is Managing Director of URALIC Centre for Indigenous Peoples NGO (Põlisrahvaste Arengu Keskus MTÜ) where he coordinates the programme of Finno-Ugric Capitals of Culture and SANA2019: Civil Society Network for Preservation and Revitalization of Indigenous Languages. Between 2014-2016 he served as Expert Member of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII), including as Vice-Chair and Rapporteur. He has also worked as Head of Cultural Programmes at Minority Rights Group International. Before entering the field of indigenous peoples’ and minority rights, Oliver was a tourism development and place marketing consultant.         Daniel Scarfo Daniel Scarfo is a Cultural and Educational Advisor at the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights in Argentina (Justo Vos Programme). He is a sociologist (University of Buenos Aires) and a Ph.D. in Spanish and Portuguese (Yale University). He taught at different universities in Argentina (University of Buenos Aires, UTDT, FLACSO, UB, UNC), Canada (University of British Columbia) and U.S.A. (Yale University) and conducted research at the University of Buenos Aires, FLACSO and CONICET (Argentina). He was also the Director of the Sarmiento Museum and the Director of Institutional Programmes at the MAT (Tigre Art Museum), in Argentina. Research topics: languages, societies and cultures; ethics, education and justice.       Riin Alatalu Riin Alatalu is an associate professor of heritage conservation and restoration in Estonian Academy of Arts and the head teacher of restoration in Hiiumaa Vocational School. She has a PhD in heritage conservation and restoration.  Alatalu has worked in National Heritage Board, Tallinn Culture and Heritage Department and Estonian Ministry of Culture on leading positions taking care of supervision and promotion of heritage and she has been in charge of important international programs. She is the member of the Board of ICOMOS International and president of ICOMOS Estonia, member of  Rights Based Approach working group, CIVVIH and Estonian Heritage Advisory Panel, former vice-president of ICLAFI.       Please send your participation wishes to e-mail:    Registration link: Environmental awareness: the organisers hold no-plastic and minimum trash policy (no advertising papers, bags, handouts; no plastic bottles or one-time dishes etc), there  is a possibility to have only vegan meals, environmentally-friendly transport solutions are preferred. Organisers of the Workshops and Conference: Bente Mathisen, ICOMOS International Working Group “Our Common Dignity”, ICOMOS Norway Stener Ekern The Norwegian Centre of Human Rights, University of Oslo Ave Paulus, ICOMOS International Working Group “Our Common Dignity”, Environmental Board of Estonia Riin Alatalu, Estonian Academy of Arts,  ICOMOS International, ICOMOS Estonia Siim Raie, Heritage Board of Estonia   Toetajad/Supported by (nimekiri täieneb/ in process):